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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

CushytOOsh Cloth Diapers - Disposables are Causing Chronic Illinesses in our Babies

Back in 1958 a woman invented the disposable diaper. Within 10 years cloth diapers were out. Everyone was joining the disposable diapering method. Well, it's 50 something years later and disposables are still huge! But.... cloth diapering is getting stronger and wiser. Moms are pissed because they are learning that the harmful chemicals are causing MAJOR CHRONIC ILLNESSES. A 1999 American study linked disposable diapers to asthma. Six leading cotton and disposable diapers were tested on lab mice; cloth diapers were not found to cause respiratory problems, but the disposable diapers caused eye, nose and throat irritation, including bronchoconstriction similar to that of an asthma attack. Everyone should know by now that our government protects the huge big money corporations first before they worry about the health of America. Why has Europe banned food dyes and our children gobble it up daily?? Why - food dyes are causing major harm to our children, bothy neurologically and physically. Aspartame, splenda and other supposedly safe sweeteners are overcoming most of the foods on the supermarket shelves. Check out CLOTH DIAPERING IS AT ITS BEST, IT'S AT IT'S PEAK PERFORMANCE!! They say the average child from NB to 2 YO will use 2,600 diposables. Wow! That's alot of chemicals being inhaled into your little one respiratory systems not to mention how many tons of waste going into our landfills. Prices are almost nill on recycables today in our horrible economy so my guess is that all of our recycables are going into the landfills as they have no other place to go. So NOW TODAY it is soooo important to switch to cloth. Visit and we'll show you how good it is!! Cushytoosh diapers feel good to your baby's bum and they certainly won't cause ASTHMA in your babies & children. Make a change today and I'll guarantee others will follow. Let's SAY GOODBYE to DISPOSABLES DIAPERS for GOOD!! Bye Bye Disposable Diapers!!

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